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Welcome to WaveCenter

AI Personal Assistant/Coach

At the heart of the Digital Life Management Platform, each your own AI Personal Assistant/Coach (PAC). The function of this PAC is to help the you accomplish whatever it is that you want to do. If you aren’t sure what you want or need, the PAC can help you figure that out first. 

The PAC has access to all the information you has stored in WaveCenter along with a record of all of your behaviors within the WaveCenter platform. It knows every aspect of your life far more completely than even the you possibly could. So it can analyze your stated objectives, plans, strategies, ideas, etc. and synthesize that with all they know about your life, and provide the most promising options in clear, simple step-by-step plans. 

It must be emphasized that allowing this kind of information to your AI PAC is something that must not be taken lightly. All of the data about your or that you own is unbreakably encrypted with blockchain technology when stored in the database. Your PAC is able to unlock that data with your private key, and can only reveal any of that information to you as an authenticated user.

In other words, all information about you is completely inaccessible to anyone but you and your PAC when you are logged in. 

With all that information about you, combined with its access to the collected knowledge of Human civilization, your PAC has all it needs to guide you through life as effectively and pleasantly as possible. 

Your PAC can teach you how to use the tools you need to use, learn skills, or help you make contact with people. The PAC can help you plan your days, months, years, your entire live. It can provide sound advice on a limitless range of subjects such as financial, legal, health, relationship, career, educational, moral and spiritual. It can do research to get you exactly the facts and details you need to accomplish your goals. 

You can design an avatar to represent your PAC to your own specifications from a wide range of attributes. The quality of the avatar can vary from simple animations to lifelike 3-D models, with higher quality being available for more tokens. 

So rather than starting a research session by typing text into a search engine, you’ll simply tell your PAC what you are trying to accomplish, and they will engage with you to get you to your objective in the most efficient way. (Or not efficient. If you just want to while away a few hours, your PAC can help you do that, too.)

Let’s Create Reality Together

 To learn more about WaveCenter, please submit the form. 

Following are some of the thought leaders who are helping clarify the socioeconomic dynamics that WaveCenter is tapping in to.